So I get to start my malaria pills today, which is going to be awesome because your dreams are supposed to get really terrible and vivid and ridiculous.
Last night we had a 70s party and I was the most creative ex-sorority girl ever and wound up with a pretty impressive costume even without forever 21 three highway exits away. RE: SU – have an amazing time at homecoming, I miss you all SO much and wish I could be there with you. I imagine after hours in The Club and going to Lucy’s because even though I pretend to hate it there I secretly love it. I also imagine 2am beers with Guy and Bruce Springsteen (and G.Love and Elvis Costello’s “Allison”). And some daytime activities like strolling through the quad and STELLLLLLLLLLA’S. I can’t wait to hear all the amazing and awkward stories.
Things have been great, Singapore was beautiful from a distance and we just sailed through the Malacca Straits which started some amazing pirate rumors.. Supposedly the area is riddled with pirates, which is why we put off sailing from Singapore at night and traveled during the day. There are two schools of thought on this – either we are a terrible target because we’re a passenger ship with (pax + crew) 450 strong, young males to defend the ship, or we’re a really fantastic symbolic target because we’re a ship of American college students who love democracy and freedom and peace and beer. Either way, we’re safely on our way to India now.
Everything else remains status quo – it’s still weird to like protect and serve a bunch of 21 year olds, and sometimes drunk girls make me sad when they pity my inability to go to their 4 drink maximum pub nights.
But then I remember how lucky I am to be waking up in India in two days, and to live on a ship where I am re-learning Spanish from all the Panamanians, sunbathing in the middle of ocean with absolutely nothing else in sight, practicing Croatian pleasantries before Dubrovnik and finding out everything you ever wanted to know about the Caste System but were too afraid to ask – insanely lucky to be paid to see the world.
I have also gotten very good at transferring calls, taking keycards on and off key chains, troubleshooting plumbing problems, and accounting. I’m fairly certain most or all of this will come in handy at some point in life.
<3 MR
Oh Missy
I am really looking forward to you troubleshooting any plumbing problems we might have...hahahaha
I am glad you did not give Captain Hook's counterparts an opportunity to take the ship...good move on their part.
I wish you COULD be at SU this weekend when they play Rutgers (how did I even know?- pls it is a really gorgeous day..what I call a beautiful upstate leaf peaking day...) and more importantly of course, be there with your SU friends. You all have to go up there when you return. Come on, really you do...
Everything sounds amazing and I know how much you love what you are doing, the sights, sounds and feel of all these places. Enjoy the new languages, and learning experiences. Mama Melissy, I KNOW you are ENJOYING ALL THE MOMENTS!!
Loving you,Mommy
Heyy Melissy
I just viewed all your new photos! They are incredible! It is so good to see you in this new environment with all these people who are enjoying the day with you. I want to know so much about them all.
Japan looks awesome, Tokyo so exciting! The gardens so peaceful.
You look so beautiful Melissa, and happy.
I love your smile. And I love you!
Dear Missy,
What incredible photos!!! I can't wait to look at them with you when you return home.
Miss you and love you, Bev
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